Friday, June 27, 2008

Badger Badger Badger....

As I was running today, I got this song stuck in my head:

Don't watch for TOO long, temporary insanity may insue.

So - for the second time this week (thanks Andrea!) we hit a Hero's workout. It went a little something like this:

30 Hang Squat Cleans (65lb women, 95lb men)
30 Chins
800 meter run
3 rounds for time

Last time I hit Badger was April 6th - and as I was quite intimidated, I scaled it to 20 reps instead of 30 (although I kept the 65lbs), and finished it in 40:53.

Two and a half months later, I went as Rx - and finished in 48:52. My chins are so much stronger than they used to be, and I think I've gotten stronger on my hang squat cleans as well!

In the past - I would look at a workout, and even if I thought I could do it Rx, I would sometimes still scale. I would focus way too much in how long I thought it would take me.

No longer! From now on (unless getting to work on time is a factor), if I am strong enough to go Rx, I'm going for it. Screw my final time. How else am I going to get stronger or faster? I'm nowhere near the strongest or fastest of our crew, but one thing I CAN do is keep chipping away at something. The mentality of worrying about my final time has been holding me back - but not anymore.

This is a shout-out to McCall for inspiring me in this direction with her performance on Angie!


Darcy 'D2' said...

Good attitude. I use to do the same thing (worry about time more than anything else) and about 2 months ago decided I'm going to try and rx every workout even if I'm there for an hour. Sadly the workouts with Handstand Pushups and MuscleUps still pose an rx issue for me but maybe by fall.

My work blocks streaming files so I couldn't listen to Badger, Badger, Badger :(. However I am listening to "The Badger Song" by The Dead Milkmen to make up for it.

Cara said...

Darcy - it's good to know that I'm not the only one who's had this mental block!! I'm nowhere close to doing handstand pushups or muscleups, but maybe one day :-)

You should definitely check out the video when you get home!

Katie said...

McCall (and her cheerleading) certainly inspire us all!)

Katie said...


Cara said...

Thanks! I bet you'll do great too!

In other news, Badger has left me with a bruise on my collarbone that looks like a hickey, lovely....

Katie said...

Cara, seriously, what the f is the point of that video? Seriously, that's just bizarre...

Cara said...

Hehehe - Katie, if you don't get it, I don't think I can explain it to you ;-)

The point of me POSTING it is that the song was stuck in my head during the all of my runs!

Katie said...

For cereal Cara, I think the whole point of that video was that there was NO FREAKIN' point...

Cara said...

Yay - you get it now! :-D

VADRMGRL said...

The badgers were really cute, but I've never seen anything like that. I couldn't stop watching them for some reason. Maybe there's a subliminal message in the song.

Cara said...

Hahahaha - glad you enjoyed it Robin! Hmmm... maybe "enjoyed" isn't QUITE the right word?