Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Grace and Tailpipe

Well - today combined the type of work out I love with the kind I hate!!

First up was Grace (playing with weights is my true love). 30 Clean and Jerks for time - 85lb women, 135lb men. I was a bit hesitant about the weight, as 85lb is the max I've gotten overhead, and I've missed it many times in the past. However, when I came in and saw that Katie did a freakin 115lbs I KNEW I had to go Rx, even if it took me a while. (Katie is my hero!)

The cleans were from the floor - which is something Jerry's introduced recently, as opposed to from the hang. It's a bit harder, but at least it spares my thighs from bruises when I'm resetting!

I finished Grace in 9:24, I believe. I was the last to finish - but I'm pretty pleased with my performance. I kept push-pressing instead of jerking, since I've done a lot more work on the push-press than the jerk, something to work on for next time. However, I'm pretty sure I locked it out each time (even if I had to do a little press at the end), which was my goal.

Gar finished in 3:20 - I think I was on about 10 or 11 at that point. I wasn't the only one who "yelled" at him!

Next up was Tailpipe. This workout is freaking evil. It's partner work, one partner rows 250m while the other holds two Kettle Bells (36lb for women) in the clean position (3 rounds per person). The person holding the KBs can't put them down until the other is done rowing. Holding the KBs was really hard - especially because it constricted my breathing. But the row man... I was paired up with Melissa, and I felt SO bad to see her suffering while I'm trying to finish the row - but I couldn't go any faster than I already was! I hate that feeling! Anyway, we finished in 7:17, so at least it was a short work out!

All in all, a good day!


Pocket said...

" I was paired up with Melissa, and I felt SO bad to see her suffering while I'm trying to finish the row - but I couldn't go any faster than I already was!"

If you aren't suffering during a workout, you aren't having fun!

Cara said...

Heh - this is true! Although, I still hate to be responsible for prolonging someone else's suffering!!

Jerry Hill said...

"hate to be responsible for prolonging someone else's suffering!!"

Thus the brutal intensity of this workout!