Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Met THE Coach!

Tonight was a great one for me, and many others, as I had the privilege of having dinner with Coach. That's right - Coach. Coach Glassman that is - the founder of Crossfit. I brought my friend Danny along who is relatively new to Crossfit, and at first hesitant about coming, but I convinced him and by the end of the night was happily thanking me for including him :-)

Danny and Coach:

Coach was in town to give a speech at the National War College, where Lt. Colonel Dan is a student. Wait, let me correct myself... I mean where COLONEL Dan is a student - congrats on the promotion Dan!!

Col Dan, Me, Adam:

Right before dinner, I hit the blue room for front squats 3x3x3x3x3 and hit a PR of 115lbs, which I had missed 2 weeks prior - yay!

Back to the dinner. I found Coach to be extremely warm and giving - he was so nice to everyone. Dinner felt like a family gathering. I got to tell Coach that Crossfit is the first type of physical activity that I've ever been able to stick with - he seemed quite pleased with that. I also told him that I get to hang out with the jocks now, he found that to be quite funny :-) Keturah told a quite touching story of what Crossfit has given to her, but I don't feel right sharing it here. Let's just say that it tops most stories out there :-)

Coach and Keturah:

John Welbourn of Crossfit Balboa (in Orange County, CA) was in to see Coach Glassman speak. It was really cool to meet an ex-NFL player who played for "my" team - the Eagles!

John and I:

A lot of people gave toasts, great CF stories were told - and it just felt like a night with great family and friends. Great fun and fantastic people!

Myself, Jerry Hill, and a different Danny:

Chriss, Craig, Mike:

John and Katie:

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