Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Milestone!

Today I did something that I thought I was still quite far away from:

I got my first strict pull-up!! I managed to get two today, actually! I am SO excited! I can actually lift my body-weight! It didn't hurt that I was down to about 148lbs this morning, but yeah.

Next up - a ring dip without assistance! And then, MUSCLE UP!

It's good to have goals - right?

Oh - also - Jerry thought I should make it a goal to do 100KB swings without stopping (I got 65 today on the 36lb KB). So - sure - why not? I'll go for this too. My shoulders and forearms were fried from yesterday, so when I'm feeling less sore I'll go for it.


Jerry Hill said...

YOU are Strong!

Brenna said...

Cara, thanks for being an inspiration! I just started crossfit with my sister, so I can't wait to get my first pull-up (of any sort!)

Cara said...

Hey - you'll get there! It takes time, but it's SO worth it when you get it!